Monday, March 06, 2006

The End of an Era

My grad school peeps are leaving. I'm about to head home myself and although I've been looking forward to getting out and going home for a long time it's still sad now that it's actually happening. I *know* I won't miss the city or the region but I will miss the people and that's the sad part...we packed up one of my boys yesterday and two of the other peeps left last week. It's kind of sad to think about it and realize that they won't be there for you to drink beer with anymore. Out of an incomming class of about thirty there are about a dozen of us left at this point. And I've been listening to Low's new album which is pretty rockin' and features their "had to sell the farm, back to california where it's warm" song about gettin' out and goin' home. It's totally the song for right now...I guess I'll be happier about the thing I've been dying to do for the last [too long] once I actually do it but being still here while other people are getting out is sad even though my tickets outta here are being processed...


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