Wednesday, November 08, 2006


finally, some good news on the political front.

good news? make that great news.

any day a member of the Bush cabinet resigns in disgrace is a good day. but Rumsfeld? you mean it, no foolin', really Rumsfeld is gone? seriously? ahhhhh. that feels good. i mean it took them way too long to get rid of him and what with Bush's arrogance I thought it might never happen. But here we are. He's gone!

Now, add to that the democrats control the House. Top that off with the next speaker of the house is a woman! The democrats control of the House is the ice cream, Rumsfeld kicked out of the white house is the hot fudge, and Nancy Pelosi is the cherry on top! I have a good feeling Webb is gonna pull it off and add some needed whipped cream to my sundae- democratic control of the senate.

I've heard some rumors that I don't like about not impeaching Bush but if that doesn't happen at least they're gonna shove fifty thousand special prosecutors up his ass. Exxxxxcellent.

but what a crazy day it's been. pouring rain soaking through shoes that were supposed to be waterproof and a shit storm at work threatened to drop my sundae on the ground. but fuck it, this sundae is so good i'm gonna lick it off the pavement!



fucking a.



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