So I was a good boy this year and I got this collection of Sonic Youth's videos made while they were with Geffen. I checked it out last night. These are my impressions. For starters, I think they had a video from every song off of Goo. Goo is not my favorite SY album but after watching the videos I like some songs more than I used to. However, Mildred Pierce, My Friend Goo, and Scooter & Jinx DID NOT NEED VIDEOS. Also, the video for Tunic was quite shoddy. I really liked this song and kind of considered it moving (especially when it popped up again on Murray St in the form of Karen Revisited) but the video's extremely poor production quality (it was quite ghetto) really ruined it for me. But the Goo videos got me thinking about that album and I came to realize that a not-so-great album by a great band is still better than a lot of crap you hear on the radio. The other thing the Goo videos made me think was thank God no one wears flannel anymore. I had never seen the Bull in the Heather video before so I was quite shocked how hot Kim looked with the haircut she was sporting in that video. Also I'm an idiot and didn't figure out that was Kim Deal singing on Little Trouble Girl 'till last night. And last but not least, Kim looked like a scary combination of herself, David Bowie, and Michael Jackson on the Nevermind video.
All in all, if you're a hardcore SY fan I'd suggest picking up this DVD, especially if you can find it at a good price.