Sunday, May 28, 2006

student loans = evil

student loans are eeeeeeeevil.

they are totally ruining my holiday weekend.

i'm totally gonna get even and pay 'em off before they can acrue the tens of thousands of dollars they would if i just made the minimum payment. the consolidation people want me in debt for twenty years. i don't think so.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Mad new albums

I have picked up some CD's. Way too friggin many but not in a like let's go to a music store and drop a hundred plus bucks but more in a like oh look there's a record store, i can buy three cd's...oh, look there's another, i can buy three more, etc. so let's see what have i listened to so far? the New Built to Spill is kinda good but like needs to grow on me or something. this may sound so typical indie rock but i like their earlier stuff better. oh, no! i said it. i did. anyway also there has been mad amounts of M83. two albums by them out of three. basically i know like five of their songs and i picked up two albums and on the albums i now have like three songs i know from the radio plus like two more i really like and the rest of the albums aren't doing it for me 100%. so there's one more album by them i'm interested in...i'll probably pick it up. M83 is funny because the thing that i really like about them is their samplin' from my bloody valentine and well they have something in common with my bloody valentine- on any given album they have a few AWESOME songs and some others that are like...well...forgettable. anyway i also picked up twin cities by Sun Kil Moon...this is the one where they cover Modest Mouse. It is friggin wild the difference in the songs as played by Modest Mouse and Sun Kil Moon. It's weird because I would like a context-free Sun Kil Moon album that I could appreciate just because they're an awesome band but instead I get this album where they're covering another band I like a lot and it's like I'm comparing the songs to the original all the time. Apparently the Sun Kil Moon guy likes doing entire albums of covers. Like it's his thing or something. Well I've heard what he can write on his own and it's like dude- you write good shit, don't bother with the covers, ok? it's just too much.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I don't have the time to be a news junkie anymore

well that and i totally have cable for the moment but what the hell, why do both CNN and CNN headline news not actually have news anymore? ok so like CNN has not had news 24/7 in a little bit but last time I checked, CNN Headline News totally had news most of the day. You would watch for about a half hour to an hour and they would be back to the same story and you'd be done. Got all the news. Good. I guess I do catch fifteen minutes of Today every morning plus sometimes some local news at ten (i get out of bed at an ungodly hour these days and so go to sleep like old people) but I'm totally not reading the NY Times,, and the BBC online everyday anymore. I must admit, it does feel awfully rewarding to be busy and get some work done. time for a run. i'll let you know if i get the oompa loompa.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I've been Ompa-loompa'd

I've been Oompa-loompa'd. I went out for a jog last night (no bike right now, long story) and these kids who weren't much older than me pulled up next to me in their nice new-looking car with the oompa-loompa song from charlie & the chocolate factory playing. and the chick who i could see (kinda nice hair) was like moving her head up and down to the music like the oompa loompas. what does that mean?

sorry it's been a while.

i totally had a post written and then my computer died.

and then my life got hectic.

i dreamt that my alarm clock was a grandfather clock and it woke you up by like totally transforming its pendulum and all sorts of other whatnot. and then it transformed back,

my post that got yoinked by crashing computer was about all the quebecois in NYC (recently went there for a long weekend) and how you can't talk about them behind their back in french or english. like i run around the etats unis talking trash about people in french and in france i talk the trash in english although that's a riskier proposition. but anyway the quebecois have a nutso ass's like country or something. hard to explain.

in other news, fancy road bike had it's 2 year birthday and i've only got like 1800 and change miles on it. like 1860+ or so. so i missed my goal of mille miles per year by more than a hundred. oh well. maybe i can catch up. yeah right. i'm all sorts of back in the northeast and around here (this particular part) the mountain biking is we'll see...i need to get bike here first...

listening to sterolab...lo boob oscillator...looked up the i thought- the moon is free. i saw them play this one live since mary died and they replaced her with a picollo trumpet and it just didn't cut it.

la lune est libre