Monday, January 15, 2007

Nickel & Dimed

I just finished Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich and it was kinda good. I had done some shit jobs like she described in the past (working in "retail" for example; long story; my main shit job was a camp job during the summers) but she provided a nice insight into shite industries I had no idea about- maid work and food service. It was damn interesting to hear some of the standard practices of the maids (as mandated by their company training whatnot) but what really opened my eyes was the bit about working as a waitress. I never really realized that waitstaff really only make like $2 an hour. So your tip really is their hourly wage. I've been trying to tip 20% as a result of reading it. If you want your waiter to have a living wage, it's up to you. All you gotta do is tip like a ninja.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Rather Ripped by Sonic Youth

One last post I gotta get offa my chest. As usual I got a zillon great cd's for x-mas. In particular, of the ones I've listened to so far, Rather Ripped by Sonic Youth is impressive. They manage to keep a-rockin after all these years. Props.

Dim Sum at Mandarin Court

Been a while since I did a restaurant review. Let's get to it.

Dim Sum rocks. But it's gotta be authentic. With the carts. It makes the experience. They have this at Mandarin Court- 61 Mott St. NY, NY (now google maps can help you if you need it). I recently picked up a copy of the Michelin for NYC and they gave it a michelin man licking his lips. I thought I'd throw my two cents in and let all y'all know I found it first.


Ok, now, i don't mean to beat a dead horse or kick a guy when he's down but Ford pardonded Nixon.

I know we're supposed to say nice things about him now that he's dead but c'mon.

So say the vice president has to resign over corruption charges. There's a new vice president picked. Then the president has to resign over corruption charges. The the new vice president becomes president and pardons the old president. I'd say the new dude was just as corrupt as the lot of 'em, wouldn't you? Just a hypothetical situation for you to mull over.

Happy New Year, the Blog!

hey Blog,

Happy New Year!

wow, i have a lot of whatnot to post about but i'm gonna do it in a lot of little posts instead of one bigass random post as usual.

so what does the ghettoblogger do on New Year's Eve that he is back up in his jaun? the Mates of State at the Knitting Factory, of course! they were kinda good. too bad we had to leave early to make the last train back to dirty Jersey. yes, i know i should have sucked it up and taken the first train in the morning (4:15) but i'm old now.

to sum up: New Year's Eve = good, New Year's Eve at the Knitting Factory = better, with the Mates of State = best.

also they had a $6 PBR & a shot special so i was able to do a blue velvet. sweet.