Thursday, February 23, 2006

On Hot French Anchorwomen

There has been a lot of e-buzz about a french cutie by the name of Melissa Theuriau and I'm not here to take anything away from her. She is awesome. Google "Hot French Anchor" or even "Hot French" and she's your number one hit and she deserves it. She's damn cute. But there is also something to be said for all the hair and makeup that goes into making her that cute. Before I ever heard of Theuriau I discovered Carole Gaessler anchoring the France2 news at 8 (she appears when the regulars are on vacation). And I realized it's the hair and makeup. They do a damn good job. French women are pretty fine to begin with but add in some professional hair and makeup and you've got a sensation on your hands. Now, not to put down anyone's talents but we all must admit looks do go into filling the anchor chairs (for both men and women) and not just in france but all over the world (take ABC's own Elizabeth Vargas (rrrrow, rrrrrow!) for example). So take one part inherent french hotness, add in being selected as an anchorperson for looks (among other qualifications), and top it off with some professional hair and makeup and voila! Theuriau's beautiful but I wanted to go on record saying I found Gaessler first and we have Vargas on our side of the pond so no need for jealousy.

Last night i dreamt i had to go to Mars

i'm always gettin' on about going to mars through the day but faced with the reality of it (in a dream) i was terrified.

that's all a lie.

but i am a closet belle and sebastian fan.

but last night i dreamt i was playing a magnetic fields song in a rehersal with a baroque band. the rehersal space was much like the band room from high school (yes i was a band dork). the song had a very simple harmony (it was rythmically simple but the chords were quite complex and sounded pretty awesome on the random crazy musical instruments we were playing) which we were learning. i was playing something that was like a series of tubes that you would blow into like when you blow on a glass bottle and make a sound. they were labeled so you could figure out what combinations of them would make which notes but i thought i should be able to figure out how to play the song with just one tube at a time (how you would blow into multiple tubes at once is beyond me) and i think i either figured it out or woke up first.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Chaudie Miller

I totally shoulda gone on record about this earlier but i been "busy" and stuff and whatnot. Anyway, for we yanks the olympics have been a total disappointment. Chaudie Miller (and other US ski team hopefuls) can't seem to stop fudging up. Chaudie crashed twice, his boy whats-his-name crashed last night and the women have been a huge disappointment. Throw in Appollo Oh-no's fall and bronze, a dash of over-hyped normal speed skaters and speed skater drama, the drama of the male figure skater primadonna dude and the olympics are looking pretty shoddy for the americans. And ice dancing sucks. In general any sport that you watch just for the crashes sucks. This means NASCAR blows and the people that watch the Tour de France for the crashes are morons. I'm sorry, what part of a dude that can't stand up because his broken collar bone is giving him that much agony is fun to watch? Do you enjoy his screams?

sorry to write about sports.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Ask and ye shall receive

oops. so in a previous post, i mentioned that my cat eats too quick sometimes and pukes right away. i guess this is a pseudo-common cat thing. maybe it has to do with him being a big fat-ass and us trying to put him on a "diet." 1/3 cup of food twice daily. and a midnight snack i'm not supposed to give him before i go to bed. i was having a problem with the google ads being about one certain pop star i will not mention. i asked for it and i got it- now the ads are about people who like eating and puking right away.

so is my blog post-modern now? i mean i'm blogging about blogging...

Friday, February 10, 2006

Match Point

Saw Match Point last weekend. Was pretty good. Scarlet Johansen is of course absolutely gorgeous and fabulous but her upper lip is bothering me now. There's just too much of it. Also what was with everyone in that movie (all the dudes anyway) wearing dress shirts with like the eight top buttons unbuttoned? I mean sure, if you take the tie off, you gotta unbutton the top button. But it should pretty much stop there. Also the ending was pretty Woody Allen. Go watch it. You'll see.

Cheney in Jail, Here We Come!

This is pretty cool. Mr. Scooter Libby is pointing the finger up the chain of command. And although names have not yet been named, it's pretty obvious who Libby's boss is! Sweet. Now we need the dems to take back the congress in the fall and get some special prosecutors going. I mean if Clinton can get 1/2 impeached for a little head when the Republicans controlled congress, I'd love to think of exactly how impeached Bush could get if the Democrats controlled congress.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Google Ads: please work with me here


Google Ads.

You were supposed to make me money.

But you don't 'cause no one reads this thing.

That's ok, though, 'cause it's my fault, not yours.

But about the ads you're still running (see previous post) could ya please change 'em.

I'm not objecting to the ads about MySpace. It was even cool when you told people how they could buy Evol by Sonic Youth. But this is not a blog about former pop stars. It is a blog about wacko leftist ideas, being a francophile in the US in the 21st century, getting out of grad school, and living under the Bush Regime. The government listens to everyone's phone calls these days and lots of people think it's ok because the government is doing a good job of keeping them scared. How 1984 is that? So, Google Ads, can we please discuss the relevant issues of our time like the Republican congress being bought and sold by lobyists and my cat being a bulimic who tries to hide his bulimia by attempting to bury the evidence even though he left it on a tile floor. Look over there. I did not just binge and purge. Besides what other bulimics that you know have a gut like this? Purrrr....meow? Will you feed me again? Yes, Google Ads, I would prefer ads about bad things that people (or cats) do to themselves to the ads you currently put on my page.

Please, anything but pop stars from two decades ago.

Dear Google Ads:

I would like you to please change the ads on my site so they no longer have anything to do with everyone's favorite aquitted child molester. So here are some good keywords for you:

Bush Sucks

Republicans are Evil

Dick Cheney is a Vampire Zombie

Democrats are not much Better

Indie Rock is Good

Independent Films are Good

I recently saw Last Days by Van Sant. It was OK.

I recently saw Mondovino which was Good and about Wine. It featured people talking in French with subtitles which I like because I can understand the French well enough to come up with better subtitles. Mondovino had some interesting Anti-Globalization points.

Now, just so we're clear on things:

Bush Sucks

Republicans are Evil

Dick Cheney is a Robotic Vampire Zombie that kills children and drinks their blood.

Yours truly,

the ghetto blogger