Tour is over
So this is christmas er no it's not but the Tour is over.
That was quick! Started early this year, I guess that's how it flew by so fast. Good job, Bonk! That's my new nickname for Floyd Landis after his bonk on the 2nd alps stage this year. But boy did he look good on that last alp stage and not too shabby on the time trial neither. Rasmussen looked friggin awesome on the day Bonk bonked. Also I so called Oscar Pirerro (sp?) doing well this year. He looked good last year so I knew he could hang in the mountains...actually he kinda bonked on the first alp stage when Floyd took the yellow back (only to lose it again) but who's counting. I'm just thrilled Kloden didn't win. T-mobile is eeeevil.
Maybe I should actually watch the Pyrnees next year if I'm gonna bitch about it going by too quick eh?