Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Joe: Give Up.

Dear Joe Lieberman:

You lost. Fair and square. The people of your great state figgered you out and are done with you. Time to call it quits and go home. Sucking Bush's dick was fun while it lasted, I'm sure, but really now, it's over. Done. Time to hit the showers. All gone. Career go down the hole. Over with. Finito. Fini. Fin.

Democrats are apparently sick of voting for mediocre men in the middle and you're now out of a job. Time to quit the independent bullshit and deal with it. De Nile is not just a river in Egypt any more. Open your eyes. You're history. Please leave us all alone now.


Saturday, August 05, 2006


i was thinking i would wait until the B-sample results were out before passing judgement. now that they are out and positive, here's some judgement:


fucking asshole.

why asshole and not just dope? because he stole the tour. we all saw his brutal bonk on the second alp stage and thought he was out of it. then homeboy comes back and sets himself up to take the yellow jersey back a little too impressively with what a lot of idiots were calling the most impressive ride that had ever happened at the tour. maybe this would have been the most impressive ride in our lifetimes if he didn't fucking cheat to do it.

now, every time ma cherie tells me "they're all on drugs" I can only roll my eyes and bite my tounge. this is maybe the real reason the dopey menninite who shall not be named is not just a dope but a complete asshole.


what a fucking asshole.